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Who We Are

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Holy Family Ranch is an independent nonprofit led by the laity dedicated to creating the context where encounters with Jesus are likely.  Holy Family Ranch will provide an authentically Catholic place for strong Catholic ministries to thrive in their outreach to youth and families.


Holy Family Ranch is organized as a 501(c)(3) under federal law and contributions made to this apostolate are tax deductible.

Strategic Planning

Holy Family Ranch has entered purchase agreements for 150 acres of land near Scribner, Nebraska, which sits about 45 minutes from Omaha and many other rural communities.  We are engaging in an initial capital campaign to build facilities that can be used by summer camp organizations, youth groups, and other ministries with whom we have built strong partnerships within our community.  We have a team of missionary disciples who are going throughout the Archdiocese of Omaha to spread the word about Holy Family Ranch. 


We are looking for financial supporters and people to join our many committees who are helping to develop this project.  While this is a big undertaking, we have been astounded by the talent and generosity of the community in our Archdiocese.  If you are interested in becoming a financial partner or donating your talent, please reach out!

Board Members

Holy Family Ranch is an independent nonprofit led by the laity dedicated to creating the context where encounters with Jesus are likely.  Holy Family Ranch will provide an authentically Catholic place for strong Catholic ministries to thrive in their outreach to youth and families.  This will include programs and events run by high schools, parishes, elementary schools, and lay groups.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Holy Family Ranch?

Holy Family Ranch will be a Catholic camp in the Omaha Archdiocese with a mission to provide a place for youth and families to encounter Jesus.  


Why do we need Holy Family Ranch?

Because many people have not experienced the love of Jesus.  52% of people who were raised Catholic have fallen away from the faith, and among those who fell away, 63% of them said that they no longer considered themselves Catholic by the age of 17.  There are ministries in our community that are addressing these problems, but they cannot expand because they need a place like Holy Family Ranch.


Who will Holy Family Ranch serve?

Ministry partners who run summer camps, family festivals, high schools, youth groups, religious education programs, and many other kinds of Catholic ministries. The facilities will also be available periodically for families to rent and spend time with their family in a faith-filled environment.


Where is Holy Family Ranch?

Holy Family Ranch will be built in Scribner, NE.  The campus is 15 minutes from Fremont, and is within an hour drive of places like Omaha, Westpoint, Madison, Norfolk, Tekamah, and Blair.  We have signed agreements to purchase 150 acres of land, but we have not yet closed on it.  Before we can purchase the land outright, we need to raise $900,000.  To do this, we are asking generous people like you to consider sponsoring the purchase of at least one acre of land for $6,000 per acre.  This is called our Path to 150 campaign.


What kind of facilities will be available at Holy Family Ranch?

Holy Family Ranch will be built in phases.  The first phase will include basic infrastructure, some simple outdoor structures for storm safety and a shower house.  This will allow ministries to host outdoor events and other adventurous overnight experiences.  The second phase will include additional activities, cabins, a dining hall, and a chapel.  The third phase will include RV spots and additional beautification and sanctification of the campus.


Who is running Holy Family Ranch? Is there a Board of Directors?

Holy Family Ranch is run completely by volunteers and major decisions are made by the Board of Directors.  For more information about the team, check out our website.  If you are interested in learning more about Holy Family Ranch, subscribe to our newsletter here!  Want to get involved? Email


How can I support HFR?

We need time, talent, and treasure.  If you would like to give financially, please either send a check to PO Box 12499, Omaha, NE 68112 or by visiting our website.  Holy Family Ranch is registered as a 501(c)(3) and donations to this ministry are tax deductible.

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